Tax Articles

Foreign Trust Penalty Notice

Foreign Trusts: IRS CP15 Penalty Notices For Late Form 3520-A Traumatize Many Innocent Taxpayers!

Reprinted here from It was early on a Monday morning, and I dragged myself in after a long weekend of reg. buzzing and Code section perusing. I was not looking forward to the day. I played a message on ...

Nonresident Aliens and Social Security

General Social Security Tax Rules Most people who earn wages in the United States are required to contribute to the Social Security and Medicare programs through payroll contributions. Contributions are required regardless of a worker's residency status. A total contribution ...
Night Bridge

Electronic Filing for Form 1040NR, Finally!

IRS Brings Nonresident Returns to the Modern Age Over the last 30 years the IRS has transformed the tax return filing process from one that relied entirely on paper forms to a system that is primarily paperless. Paper tax forms ...
New York City

Your Unfiled FBARs

Coming Clean Could Be Much Easier Than You Think Perhaps you were born and raised in the United States but left years ago to make a life in another country. You never thought about filing tax returns in the United ...

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